Wednesday, January 7, 2009

NMIndexStoreSvr.exe ?


Something called NMIndexStoreSvr.exe is using 99% of my CPU anyone know what this is and how to resolve it?


As mentioned above it is to do with Nero 7

to stop it booting on startup you will need to follow these instructions

Press the Windows key and R at the same time (Or go to the "Start" menu and click on "Run")
Then when the dialog box appears bottom left i want you to type "MsConfig" This will bring up some Built In admin controls. I suggest only touching what you need or you can cause some fatal errors.

With that a side I want you to choose the "startup" tab and look for the nero scout/nmindexstoresvr.exe and untick the box next to it

Then click Apply/Ok (Can't remember which appears)

Then close and select restart. When the computer restarts it will say you have used MSCOFIg to change settings just tick the box to say "Don't inform me again" and click ok and that should be problem sorted.

Hope that helps and isn't too confusing


  1. it is very useful information.
    thanks for sharing

  2. finally, I overcome my trouble.
    thanks for your instruction

  3. finally, I overcome my trouble.
    thanks for your instruction

  4. I got stuck for week, now I can do it. thanks man

  5. I got this problem this morning. it is solved now. thanks
